Various reasons why you must file KRA tax returns this year
- Jul
- 19
Various reasons why you must file KRA tax returns this year
Major reasons on why you should file returns
FRANCIS MULI by FRANCIS MULI June 14, 2017 in Bt Intelligence, Personal finance, Resources
As long as you hold a KRA PIN Number, it is mandatory for you to submit a return. It doesn’t matter whether you have zero income at all, not employed, or been confined to a bed for all of 2016.
It is a requirement. Even for those who go abroad and say goodbye to Kenya, if you ever plan to return, your lack of filing returns will be waiting for you.
KRA allows for a NIL return, i.e. download the form and enter your details (PIN, year of return 01/01/2016 to 31/12/2106) and then skip over to the last tab and click ‘Validate’. It will generate a zero/Nil return. Then log in online and simply upload the zip file it generates.
3. The fine is now Ksh20,000 for not filing a return (whether or not you earned any income). Yes, if your watchman, or househelp or shamba boy, or car wash guy, or mama mboga has a valid KRA PIN, failure to file a return (even a nil return) will incur them a fine. That’s right.
And if they ignore this for five years, and decide to run for the position of MCA or MP, they will come face to face with a fine of over 100,000 plus unbelievable interest.
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