How Can I Retrieve My Lost KRA Pin Using My Phone in Kenya

How Can I Retrieve My Lost KRA Pin Using My Phone in Kenya

How Can I Retrieve My Lost KRA Pin Using My Phone

Retrieve My Lost KRA Pin Using My Phone

KRA is mandatory document that every Kenyan age 18 years should have. To acquire one must have an original identification card, phone number and email address. You can choose either g mail or yahoo addresses because all will serve the same purpose. The application is done online.

In most cases, most people have lost their KRA pin in way or another. If you have lost yours, don’t worry because i will take you through the process. Remember you will not apply a new one using the same ID card. First open an email address linked to KRA during registration. Once you have login, check your email address inbox and search by typing the word ‘KRA’. The system will search all your inbox messages and thereafter the document will appears just at the inbox. Download the document and print it out. If you don’t have a printer simply go to Cyber cafe and print the same document. The cost for printing is relatively cheaper than the one who is applying for the first time.

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