How can i Apply for KRA Pin Certificate Online
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- Posted by HelpYetu
- Posted in Online KRA iTax services
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How can i Apply for KRA Pin Certificate Online
This is a guide on how to apply for KRA pin certificate. There are many instances where you will require to use the KRA pin. This document links you with the taxman for the purpose of taxation.

The pin certificate is applied online and takes a short time. Upon completion of the required processes for individuals, you get the document instantly.
There are two types of KRA pin certificates
- Individuals pin which is then categorized as Kenyan resident, non-Kenyan resident, and non-Kenyan non-resident.
- And the other for companies, schools, NGOs, and other such entities.
In this article, we are going to discuss on how to apply for the KRA pin for an individual, non-Kenyan resident, and for a company.
Keep in mind that the moment you get a KRA pin, you are liable to pay taxes. This means you should remember to file your income tax returns annually and for any other obligation on your pin.
How to Apply for the KRA Pin Certificate for a Kenyan
- Go to the iTax portal.
- On the left-hand side where it is written ‘Do you want to apply for KRA pin?’, click on the Register button.
- On the next page for taxpayer type, select individual and mode of registration select online form. Click next to proceed. An e-registration form for individual opens.
- Select your registration status which is either: Kenyan, Non-Kenyan Resident or Non-Kenyan Non-Resident. Click on Kenyan option. You will require your national ID.

There are Three Basic Tabs You Must Fill
Basic Information Tab
- Indicate if you want to register for Digital Services Tax.
- Select the appropriate residential details.
- Indicate if you want to register for Turnover Tax.
- Select your profession. Start with the major group then subgroup and finally the minor group.
- On the national ID details area, enter your ID number.
- On the individual data section, enter your date of birth as it appears on the ID. If on the ID the date has no month and date, then use 01/07 then the year indicated on the document. Immediately after entering the date, if the ID number and date of birth are correct, some of your personal data and parent details are auto–populated.

If You Get an Error Message
If you get an error message – ‘a PIN has been issued for entered National Identity Number’. This means that if you have entered the correct ID number, then you already have a pin.
In such a case you should go to any KRA station or Huduma centre with your original ID. They will retrieve your pin. Alternatively, scan and email your original ID to requesting for pin recovery.
- For the Principal Physical Address, indicate where you stay by entering the street or road, County, Building, City or Town, District, and your Tax area. Note that the physical address you select should be an area you can access easily. This is because it will be your tax station where you will be going whenever you have issues relating to your pin or taxes.
Your Contact and Address Details
- Enter your principal postal address and postal code.
- The next stage is to enter contact details. Enter your mobile number and email address. Make sure you can be able to access the email address you provide. After entering your email address, it is checked if it has been used by another taxpayer.
The OTP Code
- You will get a popup message – ‘In order to continue using iTax functionality you are required to verify your email address. Please click “Send OTP” button to receive OTP on the mentioned email address.’ Click on the new button that appears so as to send an OTP code on your registered email.
- Open your email and check for an email from admin.itax2. Look for a four-digit code, note it down and go back to the iTax portal. Enter the one time password where it is written ‘OTP code’. The code expires within 15 minutes.
- The other information that follows after is optional. That is SMS notifications, alternative address, bank account details if you are a director elsewhere, and tributary bonds. At this stage, you are ready to go to the next tab.

Tax Obligation Details Tab
The tax obligation detail is crucial as it determines the tax type and when you will be paying for it. For an individual, the tax type is income tax resident. If you are a non-resident, then select income tax non-resident.
Income tax is filed once a year. It has to be before June 30 to avoid penalties. Your annual income determines the amount payable. Those with no jobs can file zero or nil return. After selecting the income tax, select the registration date which is usually the same day you are applying for your pin.

Source of Income
On this tab, you have to indicate where you get your source of income from. If you have no income select no for employment, business and rental income. If you have employment income, select yes and then provide the employers’ pin.
Click on add button to have the employer details saved in the database. If you have business income, make sure you have the business registration certificate with you. Select yes and enter all the required information and click add to save.
Further down; indicate the sector of economy involved in. Once done, remember to click on the add button. If you have rental houses, select rental income and select the economy involved in; again remember to add to save the records. Click next.
E-Agent Details
This tab is not necessary unless you have an authorized agent who can submit any kind of application on your behalf. Well, if there is continue to fill in all the necessary details.
Once done, perform the arithmetic problem provided and click on submit. You will get a message alerting you that you will be getting any communication from iTax in the email you have provided. Click on submit to finish the process.
A link will be provided which you click to download the KRA Pin. A copy of the pin together with your password for the first time login is sent to your email.
How to Apply for the KRA Pin Certificate for a Non-Kenyan Resident
This is option is for foreigners residing in Kenya. Those issued with an alien card. The process is much similar to the one above for Kenyans. The only difference is that you use the Alien card.
Non-Kenyan KRA Pin Registration Requirements
- Alien ID Card details.
- If employed, employers’ PIN details.
- Business registration certificate details for those in business.
Non-Kenyan Resident KRA Pin Application
- Visit
- Select “New PIN Registration”
- Select “Non-Individual” and “Online Form” as your mode of registration.
- Indicate if you want to register for Digital Services Tax.
- Select the option Non-Kenyan Resident.
- Indicate if you want to register for Turnover Tax.
- Fill in your basic information.
- Upload a copy of your Alien card.
- Select suitable tax obligation by checking the relevant boxes.
- Enter details of company directors or partners.
- Fill in agent details if you have one.
- Enter the result of the arithmetic sum provided and submit.

How to Apply for a Kra Pin for a Company
To apply for this pin, you must have registered your company and gotten the incorporation certificate.
- Visit itax portal
- Select “New PIN Registration”
- Select “Non-Individual” and “Online Form” as your mode of registration.
- Fill in the business income details. Get these details from the incorporation certificate. All the fields with an asterisk must be filled.
- List the sector of the economy involved in. Remember to click the add button after selecting.
- Scan and upload a copy of your incorporation certificate.
- The default obligation is Income Tax Company. However, if you want to add other obligations such as VAT, ensure you do so. Note that it is possible to add obligations later on. If you select VAT, indicate the estimated Turnover.
- Add the director(s) of the company. This is by entering their pin number and remember to click on the add button.
- The rest of the process is similar to that of an individual as above.
Company Pin Application Acknowledgement Receipt
You will not be issued with a pin instantly after submitting. What you will get is an acknowledgement receipt. The pin and password are sent to your email after approval.
How to change your First Time pin Password
Go to your email and locate an email from admin.itax2. The mail will be having your KRA pin and auto-generated password. Go to iTax portal login page.
Enter your pin and click on continue. Enter the auto-generated password, perform the provided calculation and click on log in. On the next page, enter the old password from your email, then enter a new password and confirm it.
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