3 Reasons why you MUST file your KRA tax returns

Three reasons why you MUST file your KRA tax returns 

Importance of Filing Income KRA Tax Returns 

Does Everyone Need to File an Income Tax Return?

3 Reasons why you MUST file your KRA tax returns

As long as your have a KRA pin then you WILL be fined. 

The folllowing message has been making rounds on Whatsapp giving three reasons why you must pay your tax returns.

I’m convinced that many people consider tax returns _’kazi ya watu wako na job…or biashara’_, but I listened to radio as a KRA official reminded Kenyans that *‘AS LONG AS you have a KRA PIN Number’, you are obligated to file a return.*  So please, do not forget or skip filing your returns this year, even if its NIL.  And let the person next to you know that as well.

A lawyer will tell you that this is important if you don’t want to pay extra amounts as fines with interest on your tax.

The fine for not filing your  annual tax returns has increased from Sh1000 to Sh20,000.

The deadline as set by Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) is 30th June  for every tax payer to have filed their returns.

No one is exempted as long as they have a KRA pin certificate.


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